I am Wrong; You are not Right either;
"Life is a book with lots of unread pages" It is the family, upbringing and values taught or learnt build the "FOUNDATION" for life. For many fortunate ones, all that is essential ingredients for leading ideal life. All of all strive towards it. It is our conscious, or call it ethics or whatever that guides us in building relationships in the society. Well, each culture, social norms and structures differ from person to person, place to place, society to society , religion to religion and country to country. It is like going round and round, as culture, values, socail norms are all interlinked and inter connected. As far as the ethics is concerned, it is more or else the same in all the society. It is not surprising to see some of the socail norms and values are similar in most of the society. Hinduism or Hindu Dharma also known as "Sanathana Dharma" propogates higest ethical value of "TOLERANCE". I find it true over a period a...