Cut, Copy and Paste has become part of our life, without these syllables it is more difficult to work. No surprising that it has very common with nowadays kids. Other day, my son asked me to help him in his school activity. He asked to search the information in google, and cut, copy and paste the information in word document-Its simple Mummy! Indeed, sounded very simple, so I asked him to do it by himself. Result, he copied the whole page and pasted it in word page. Are the modern, tools compressing and completing us not to use our brain to its fullest. To quote from Albert Einstein, "You only Use 10% of Your Brain” and not 100 %. Of course, some even contradict this statement and call it myth. Well, the fact here is brain being a complex organ and is capable of doing wonder things if utilized properly. If one uses it in proper way and tap the left over 90% would be able to remember the π to twenty thousandth decimal place or even have telekinetic powers. Fine, if not 90% at least 50% one can use. Where/ How/ when??? Computers have replaced human brains thinking capacity. Good were the days in absence of computers when activities or projects were given and the one has to use ones own innovative way of presenting and using ones own creativity for presenting. I remember the days, when I use to go to library with a note pad and search for information, note down the information, and even make a sketch of the painting or portrait and present it in my way.Are we really doing such activities of exploring knowledge from various sources? Sorry we aren't.Irony is the use of search engine has made even the research work at the higher level easy by using the tools "CUT, COPY and PASTE" and claiming the work is original. The internet, search engines are in fact reducing the zeal of real search and are de-motivational indicators of the learners.When, the effort and zeal for the search of knowledge is loosing- how can one accept the quality in research and knowledge gain.The search engine should be a last resort and not the answer by itself. I am also happy that, even in the search engines some of the information were not available that I wanted. So, I could take take the work and collected the needful information through other sources and it gave a sign of relief for the effort, time spent productively.