Puppet Play on 'Building Women supportive group as a measure towards Sexual Harassment, Rape, molestation and abuse'

This day was a terrific day last year, what happened was a shameful act against women of the world. Well, Voices from all fronts, from all media, all corners did bring a spark that ignited the change to happen that changed India- the Nirbhaya protests. As per sources from print media, it was for the first time in our history, tens of thousands of people took the streets for the safety of women.

In order to educate, bring in awareness on women's right, safety --Sphoorthi Theatre for Educational Puppetry did organized Puppet plays in Hyderabad and Mahaboobnagar on raising voices towards "'Building Women supportive group as a measure towards Sexual Harassment, Rape, molestation and abuse''

Today as the day comes again, my request to all mothers who are worried about their daughters' safety please trust them. Thus the primary support that is needed for them. Others do extend your emotional support.

Today's vast avenues opened up in social media empowers all of us to make our voices reach to deaf ears on 'women's safety'. Share this post on your FB /Tweeter/ G+/ through e-mails. This will show your friends, family and their friends what you stand for. It will give them an opportunity to join you and stand up in solidarity with Nirbhaya and women everywhere.

We need to make this world safe and secure for all our sisters, daughters and of course to all our mothers.



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