Magic in Our Hands--A Documentary Film by Ms. Vicky Hart

Magic in our Hands is a documentary feature film by Ms. Vicky Hart. Hart in Media and social enterprise produce compelling documentary and deliver bespoke media content, including animated videos, for brands, businesses, charities and broadcasters. She has already completed her first documentary film called 'Masters of Puppets'. She won 2nd position award at the International Film Festival in the documentary film category. Her documentaries focus on fresh life into hidden worlds and gives a unique insight into the culture that would raise awareness of social and environmental issues.

The following passage is taken from Hart in Media:

"This documentary feature film Magic in our Hands will demonstrate the social value of puppetry by exploring the lives of inspired women puppeteers in one of the fastest growing economies in the world: India.

India celebrates long historical traditions of rod, shadow and string puppets and these puppet traditions are repositories of culture and history. Padmini Rangarajan, the first woman at the heart of this film, is from the historical city of Hyderabad. The film explores her personal story and interact in her daily life; learn puppet making and manipulation, incorporating different types of puppets, and address their varying production themes in their efforts to protect and promote the art of puppetry as intangible cultural heritage and as a platform for developing creativity". Post production work is in progress.

The attempt is to blend the values of ancient wisdom with time relevant plays, engaging with both traditional and contemporary artists whose work encourage people and children to use their imaginations to understand and empathize with a variety of situations, beliefs and views, addressing important, and often sensitive, global issues; such as: community education; child development; health awareness; women against conflict; environment and; human values, as depicted in the ancient texts of the Ramayana.

Puppetry crosses boundaries, it reflects the human spirit and can unite the world.


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Don't forget to watch, review and share with friends! There are many exciting documentaries to discover at the online film festival Culture Unplugged Magic In Our Hands smile emoticon

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Now "Magic in My Hands" film is available on,TopLeft,0,0_AC_SX118_SY170&keywords=magic+in+our+hands&dpPl=1&dpID=51uw%2BVtGDZL&ref=plSrch

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