Bare Upper body as a Rule for Women in Kerala
I participated in a National Seminar Organised by P.S Telugu University, Hyderabad on “Indian Literature and Dalit Culture” on October 29-31, 2012. One session dealt with the Mayalaya Dalits condition and subjudication to various kinds of atrocities especially women. Can one imagine such things being imposed in a country like India which stands for rich culture, tradition, and heritage? More so with Kerala state-God’s own Land. We today oppose to various fashion shows, Miss Universe, Miss World Contests, and undervalue if girls are dressed in jeans, or short skirts with spaghetti tops and so on. One paper by Ms. Maria Kutty Joseph moved me. It was like suddenly shocking jerks I received. I had read some aspects about Kerala Culture, dress, food, status of women and so on. I never imagined the torture on women especially lower caste women would be so horrible in the19th century or prior to it. No doubt, Brahmin women also underwent the same sorts of torture within four walls....