Depression in Adolescence—Causes and solution

Depression in Adolescence—Causes and solution
Depression or depressive disorder is as old as mankind. Everyone feels blue and sad occasionally and is able to get back from it. The sad feelings are short lived and do not interfere with the day today life. When some is in depression it means, the sad feelings interferes with daily life and causes pain for both individual and those who care about the individual . Depression is a common but serious illness.
According to Medi Lexicon's Medical Dictionary, depression is "a mental state or chronic mental disorder characterized by feelings of sadness, loneliness, despair, low self-esteem, and self-reproach; accompanying signs include psychomotor retardation (or less frequently agitation), withdrawal from social contact, and vegetative states such as loss of appetite and insomnia."
Adults suffering from depression are quite common. Though it is common it is a serious illness. Irony is many suffering from depression do not seek treatment or reluctant to professionals help. There are different forms of depression. Today, it is visibly seen more among adolescents.
Among adolescents depression is more often not noticed by peer groups and parents. One of the reasons being these young adolescents are primary in the peak of teenage and they fail to express their feelings to parents or older siblings. They most often complain of bodily aches, fear or phobias, change in behaviour and constantly hold themselves or their behaviour responsible for the entire wrong goings.
Some common symptoms:
Lack of Interest in normal routine activity
Visible decline in academic achievements.
Behavioural problems in friendship.
Withdrawing contacts with family members.
Lack of enthusiasm and energy.
Difficulty in self-motivation. Prone to unnecessary aggression and anger
Aloofness, accompanied by feelings of sadness and helplessness.
Lacks self-esteem and suffers from guilt.
Unable to concentrate
Unable to take decisions.
Feels restless and agitated.
Feeling of ‘emptiness’.
Feelings of hopelessness or pessimism
Changes in eating and sleeping habits followed by insomnia.
Aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems that do not ease even with treatment
Frequent suicidal thoughts or suicidal attempts.
Main causal factor of depression is due to genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors or combination of either of the two. Some types of depression tend to run in families. A child with depression may act as if to be sick, refuses to go to school, stick to a parent/s, or has frequent fear that one of the parents may die. Children with frequent attacks of depression in the childhood more often continue to have similar episodes as they enter adolescent. Adolescents brood, get into trouble at schools and colleges, has negative thoughts and irritable, and feel misunderstood.
Overcoming Depression
One good thing about depression is it for kids, adolescents or adults is treatable even in its most severe form. The solution to depression is also quite easy and simple, but depressed are initial anti and disbelieve in it. The simplest solution is to withdraw ones attention from what depresses and put it on what makes one feel good and happy.
Again, identifying the good and happy feelings is not that easy for depressed ones. Intervention of trustworthy person as a liaison is more beneficial in bringing the depressed one out of depression.
Exposure to Sunlight works wonder. Coming out, experiencing sun and sunlight for 30-40 minutes in the morning definitely has healthy impact on depressed ones. This also regulates sleep and helps physical and mental health. This has to be followed as normal practice along with brushing teeth, bathing, etc.
Exercises also have good impact on depression. Taking aerobics classes or Yoga classes helps t overcome depression. They act as a stress busters.
Socializing and speaking solves half of the problem. Involving oneself with family and friends and planning an outing or a movie or to a coffee shop makes an impact. Being in others company makes to lightens isolation. This has to be done regularly.
One has to watch ones own thinking and thought processes. By discussing with others also one can differentiate between real and unreal or imaginative thoughts. Constant efforts put can reduce the reoccurrence of unreal thoughts is by reading.
Join some instrument or music or dance class as a change from routine. Theatre also does wonder.
All this is possible only with strong determination to overcome depression.