"Bathukamma" and its Significance
''Bathukamma Bathukamma Uyalo, Bangaru Bathukamma Uyalo'' Bathkamma, often referred to as Bathukamma, is a widely celebrated festival in the state of Telangana, occurring throughout the months of September and October, which coincides with the arrival of the spring season. This period is commonly referred to as Aswiyuja and culminates two days prior to the festival of Dussera, known as Durgashtami. Bathukamma represents the embodiment of the cultural essence and identity of the Telangana region. The festival has emerged as a significant component of the cultural revival movement in Telangana and has just been designated as the official state festival in the newly established state. Bathukamma is a distinctive ceremonial practise that pays homage to the natural environment, first with the vibrant display of flowers and culminating in the immersion of floral arrangements in water bodies. The aforem...