
Showing posts from November, 2012

Is Marriage an outdated Institution?

There is a common burning and tension erupting talk in the society-It is of Marriage Institution. We come across both pros and cons effect of this institution. These days Live-in relation is mushrooming in most of the cities especially with people working in IT sectors and Call centres. Hey! What's wrong with it??? We want to know each other well and then decide of Marriage and Kids. Marriages in Indian tradition is very vibrant, colourful, with lots of customary things going on adding meaning to it, family, friends and relatives, music, band and children, eateries, fun-plays, arguments, quarrelsome and fights  with few unexpected sudden arising customs from grooms side and of course huge expenses. Marriages of celebrities is a huge part of discussion for commoners during tea time. Recent "SAIFEENA" wedding, Snageet, Nikah!!! Most of the Indians now wish to have lavish wedding spending crores for food court, function halls, ACs, TVs, Blow u...