Ramadan and its Significance
Ramadan and its Significance The month of Ramadan or Ramazan Arabic: Ramaḍān, Persian: Ramazan Turkish: Ramazan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, is a holy month for Muslims all over the world and the coming of this month is greeted with ecstasy and expectation. The word Ramadan is derived from Arabic word Ramida, meaning scorching heat and dryness especially the ground. This joy can be witnessed in all the Muslim populated countries including India where the sighting of the moon is followed by elaborate decoration of streets, shops and mosques with colourful series of lights. In Egypt, lanterns are known to be a symbol of Ramadan. They are hung across the cities of Egypt, part of an 800 year old tradition, the origin of which is said to lie in the Fatimid era where the Caliph Al-Muizz Lideenillah was greeted by people holding lanterns to celebrate his ruling. From that time lanterns were used to light mosques and houses throughout the city. This month is considered a gift fro...